Martina Franca, Taranto, Italy
September 3 - 10, 2011
Viola course starts on September 4.
Course Languages: German, English, French, Italiano
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Ulrike Danhofer - violin
Bruno Giuranna - viola
Johannes Goritzki - cello
Donatella Martino, Ettore Papadia
Violin, Viola, Cello Master Classes
Partecipation is possible for music students and professional musicians.
It is also possible to attend the masterclass as auditors.
The course will be held at the Fondazione Paolo Grassi in Martina Franca (Taranto), Italy.
Please bring music (in three copies) and music stands for you.
If they were pieces not readily available, please send a copy in advance, by e-mail.
Course partecipation is at your own risk. The organizers accept no liability whatsoever.
During the masterclass will be identified the three best students of each course, which will be awarded the Scholarship Award "Francesco Caramia" made available by Giacinto Caramia, his son, among the most celebrated cellists of the twentieth century.
Tuition Rates
A registration fee of 50 Euro is required and it can be paid by credit transfer on our bank account in the name of:
IBAN IT95 M033 5901 6001 0000 0002 715 - BIC BCITITMX at BANCA PROSSIMA.
This fee must be paid at the same time the registration form is sent.
No registration fee will be refunded if you are prevented from attending.
The course fee is 250 Euros. It must be paid by September, 4th.
The auditors course fee is 100 euros.
Application form and payments
The application form is on the Fondazione Paolo Grassi website.
The course fee for student and auditors can be paid directly at your arrival here before the masterclasses start or by credit trasfer on our bank account in the name of:
IBAN IT95 M033 5901 6001 0000 0002 715 - BIC BCITITMX at BANCA PROSSIMA
Applications are requested as early as possible.
Registration deadline: August 27th, 2011
We will help you finding accomodation in Martina Franca, we have special agreements with some hotels and B&B in this area.
For any further information, please feel free to contact us:
phone number +39 080 430 6763
Fondazione Paolo Grassi
Via Metastasio, 20 - 74015
Martina Franca (Taranto), Italy
How to reach Martina Franca
Violin and cello courses will be held from 3 to 10 September.
Viola course will start on September, 4.
- Masterclasses partecipants arrival is fixed on September 2 for violin and cello classes partecipants; on the 3th for viola class partecipants.
- Saturday September, 3 - h. 10.00: FIRST MEETING - violin and cello students at Fondazione Paolo Grassi - Via Metastasio, 20 (Martina Franca)
- Sunday September, 4 - h. 10.00: FIRST MEETING - viola students at Fondazione Paolo Grassi
- Friday September, 9 - h. 20.00: STUDENT CONCERT - students
- Saturday September, 10 - h. 20.00: CLOSING CONCERT - teachers and students
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